Since the denominators are not common (not the same), we need to find the Least Common Denominator (LCD), which is equivalent to the Least Common Multiple of 5 and 12:
LCD = LCM(5, 12) = 60
Express the given fractions as equivalent fractions with respect to the LCD (60):
Since the equivalent fractions have common denominators, we can add the numerators:
+ 19/5
Since the denominators are not common (not the same), we need to find the Least Common Denominator (LCD), which is equivalent to the Least Common Multiple of 5 and 12:
LCD = LCM(5, 12) = 60
Express the given fractions as equivalent fractions with respect to the LCD (60):
= -355/60
and 19/5
= 228/60
As a result, -71/12
+ 19/5
= -355/60
+ 228/60
Since the equivalent fractions have common denominators, we can add the numerators:
+ 228/60
= -355 + 228/60
= -127/60
is in Simplest Form since the Greatest Common Factor of 60 and 127 equals 1, GCF(60, 127) = 1Therefore, the Sum of -71/12
and 19/5
is equal to -127/60
in Simplest Form: -71/12
+ 19/5
= -127/60
- -127/60is an improper fraction, and as a mixed number,-127/60= -27/60
- -71/12+19/5=19/5−71/12