Since the denominators are not common (not the same), we need to find the Least Common Denominator (LCD), which is equivalent to the Least Common Multiple of 24 and 25:
LCD = LCM(24, 25) = 600
Express the given fractions as equivalent fractions with respect to the LCD (600):
Since the equivalent fractions have common denominators, we can add the numerators:
+ 44/96
, which equals 6/25
+ 11/24
(both fractions simplified)Since the denominators are not common (not the same), we need to find the Least Common Denominator (LCD), which is equivalent to the Least Common Multiple of 24 and 25:
LCD = LCM(24, 25) = 600
Express the given fractions as equivalent fractions with respect to the LCD (600):
= 144/600
and 11/24
= 275/600
As a result, 6/25
+ 11/24
= 144/600
+ 275/600
Since the equivalent fractions have common denominators, we can add the numerators:
+ 275/600
= 144 + 275/600
= 419/600
is in Simplest Form since the Greatest Common Factor of 419 and 600 equals 1, GCF(419, 600) = 1Therefore, the Sum of 18/75
and 44/96
is equal to 419/600
in Simplest Form: 18/75
+ 44/96
= 419/600