Difference between 33 and 18

Vertically align numbers with Larger Number on top:
3 3
1 8

Subtract using place value:

Tens Ones
2 13
33 3 3
18 1 8
Difference 1 5
Column traversal from right to left
Ones column:
  • Since 3 is less than 8, we have to borrow 1 from the Tens column
  • As a result, 3 becomes 13, and 13 − 8 = 5
  • The 3 in the Tens column becomes 2

Tens column:

  • 2 − 1 = 1
2 13
3 3
1 8
1 5
Therefore, the Difference between 33 and 18 is 15

Check computation by comparing Larger Number and the Sum of Smaller Number and Difference:

1 8
1 5
3 3

Sum of Smaller Number and Difference = 33
Sum of Smaller Number and Difference = Larger Number (33 = 33) ✓

The solution above and other related solutions were provided by the Difference Between Two Numbers Application.

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